Congrats to My Daddy, Mayor Jim Dow

14/12/11 7:03 PM


I have never blogged about my father and since he was passed the gavel last night as his 3rd and last term as Mayor of Buena Park, I found it befitting. Twelve years ago, my Dad and our family went on a bit of a quest to help our city in which the “Dow” family has lived in for 4 generations. We had a steep hill to climb as my father ran against 2 incumbents, and in the history of Buena Park nobody had ever won against an incumbent. For months we worked our hearts out and my Dad won by only 152 votes. We were ecstatic! Since then he has served twice as Mayor, and I am very proud to say that is is my fathers 3rd and final term as Mayor. Despite my father not having come from money, nor does he have a college degree, coupled with very serious health problems, he really has made his late parents proud. I am so proud of the legacy my Father has left his kids and grand kids. I love you Daddy!

My Daddy, Mayor Jim Dow
Mayor Jim Dow, Councilman Fred Smith, Councliman Miller Oh
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Posted by admin | in Family Photography | 4 Comments »

4 Comments on “Congrats to My Daddy, Mayor Jim Dow”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    >I voted for your dad every time he's run since I started voting. I was in your class at BPHS and thought that he must be a pretty nice guy, because he raised such a nice daughter. We were never friends, but you were always nice. I wasn't into politics, so your kindness was all I really had to go on. Congrats to your dad! May he have a successful 3rd and final term.

  2. Anonymous Says:

    >I always speak proudly of his legacy. I love to tell people we know him through you. Like knowing someone famous' relative. My family only has 3 generations in Buena Park, but we're proud to be. My children go to the schools we did. 🙂 Congratulations Mayor Dow!. And prayers for a healthy 2012.

    Andrea De Luna Goettman

  3. Amber Dow Says:

    >It seems like so long ago that we fought as a family together to make Buena park a better place. I will never forget how nervous he was to give his first speech, since being in the public eye was not somthing he was used to. Dad had a bigger vision for Buena Park, and it has taken a long time to make changes here, but I am happy and proud to say, he has made changes, for the better. He is proof that its never to late, your never to old, and when people pull together, we can do anything. Merry Christmas! I'll miss you guys!

  4. Anonymous Says:

    >Tell my cousin I am so proud of all the work he is doing for BP Lv Karen

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